Wednesday, February 1, 2023




I found her when entering the cabinet 28th in 2019 touching herself and masturbating because under the work table nobody can see it from the front, but entering the cabinet, staying up, I could see 3 times her touching herself, I saw her taking medication several times in 2020 at cabinet 14th. As physician, I am sure she has some kind of mental problems. Besides, she has passed the age of retirement for public servers and continues working in a public institution.     

On this day I changed the tootukassa consultant from Tonismae to Lasnamae. Kaire Marlene Kalk is a woman rather very mature who was setting tramps since 2019. She wanted me to make physical work and her hypocrisy was evident. She usually sent me to false jobs that did not correspond to my qualifications.

She was former director of TV news and after that she worked in radio News. She was long time travelling to Europe. Probably she was an informer of Estonian Intelligence as she speaks more or less english. She is extremist ultra-nationalist but she does not declare it. She wants to give Estonian money and support only for Estonians. She got for me Express Post job and fater that she and Mare Pavels plotted together with Merle Pukk and probably corrupt security amd police to make an illegal dismissal. I suspect that since that work was during night mostly, they could have registered my house during the nights.

As physician I observed in Kaire-Marlene Kalk,

She was taking medication at her cabinet number 14 in 2020 spring.

When she call me one early morning in spring 2020 she was in a drunk-voice. That could have been as she had been drinking the night before or she was medicated.

She set a job workshop in June 2020 and she did not go to at 8am the day that the workshop was set to indicate me the room and people of the workshop. It was a tramp. I was at office waiting for the workshop an done employee said that I could go since Kaire-Marlene Kalk was not at her cabinet. After that english-friendly Elen Raud sent me a document of false accusation that I had not attended the workshop. It was a tramp to accuse me of lack of willing to work. Kaire-Marlene Kalk wa son the side of the legal process against Nottingham University to block or delay it as much as possible.

I found her in 2019 masturbating (rubbing) under the table of Cabinet 28 in 2019 while talking with a client. I have seen many Estonian women rubbing themselves under the table with a hand in Estonian Language course, Computer courses etc. I guess it is part of their culture, for me it is funny. We Europeans prefer sex normally instead of those hidden practices. The number of sex toys in Estonia for women is enormous, irrelevant and funny for me. For me as Physician it is irrelevant but good to know that. What is really bad is that she did not get a proper job for my qualifications. It is true since I saw also that she had a pillow on her seat to make it more comfortable. The pillow was black with start decorations.

She was usually asking me information about my family, relatives, friends etc. She offered me a workshop with Finnish company HumanLink in december 2020. It wa sto take phone numbers, bank accounts, etc, it was a false workshop. During that workshop I observed many cameras taking images of all unemployed people at meeting room. I heard many unemployed people almost making complaints and screaming about those job conditions. I attended that event with interest and took notes and fill the application honestly, but when I heard russian-estonians screaming I was sure that there was something strange in that. I guess that many companies take advantage of unemployed people setting contracts with miserable salaries, after that they sack them with any excuse an take other new unemployed person to avoid taxes. So they rotate and take advantage of unemployed people.

Some of the insults of KMK,

here comes the cleaning lady’ , in 2019, when I entered te cabinet 28th for a routinary meeting.

we are winning’ at phone call when I was rejected many jobs in 2021-2022.

you have to learn Russian language’, when I went to a day-work-proof at maxima at Vaike Oismae and she went to Maxima to talk previously with Manager Rita. She also said to Rita to obstruct the job contract possibility that I was making applications to Rimi supermarket.

The method of KMK was to offer anything that seems to be successful, and after that to abort it. She was hiding me that I had the right for food bank help during a year saying ‘if you make voluntary work, you can get food bank help’. That was totally false since I usually see people working at companies getting food help from food bank everytime I go to get a bag of food.