Sunday, February 19, 2017






























Syracuse New York has nothing special, nor nor unpleasant, or much or little, and I include myself in the group of people who live without vagaries of what arises. This applies to almost everything, in general. No need to spend millions in a car if you can't put it almost to the top and can't handle it, unless it is to brag and link through the centre of the city, that happens much in posh areas and cities snob. If you go to a restaurant and pay for a course dish with sophisticated name in French, which carries a tentative picture on the charter, because sometimes you end up eating without realizing sardines John West of Tesco and you have taken the cheat plus a huge painful bill. A repainted woman, with full battery english lingerie to slopes and her aesthetically shaved Pablo Picasso-style kitty, may seem more beautiful than another that you have in the front desk coffee, without filling in the support, her puma something hairy but tasty, and politely chewing gum while reading a book novel-romantic. All to relax from her pedantic head in the office with his whims of office, and his macho eufemistic mustache to exercise almost fascist authoritarianism. As says The Turkish with Wisdom, not the goals where you want but where can, but make sure that is a girl and has not been changed of sex -equally without discrimination the same for the respectable LGBT group, not linked to my life, instead to hidden life of McNally and many 'hidden-customs professors' again.

Already from the beginning, the battle always was in the lineup. A cop black unlikely with more than his plaque formation, showed me his insigna before asking for a place to sleep in the shelter, asking for identification. One impolite black, idiot made me fill out a pile of papers before denying me a bed to sleep during the Conference, at least, wanted to photocopy documents for safety. Then appeared the sheriffs to the racism of the State control and request data to the same mob. According to my experience, there is nothing worse than a crappy American sheriff bullying an immigrant - otherworldly Mexicans, especially those without papers, of Denver, when in the autumn of 2014 the cops and the sheriff began cleaning. Silent complaints Hispanic radios, and began to illegally apply Arizona laws to lock up undocumented immigrants. Some heroic agents of Immigration refused to arrest Mexican, but racist purges that fall in Denver and surrounding area were brutal. Each week fell down a Mexican in a shootout, and the confrontation with the cops at University was from guns - not never agree with the violent response of the students, but USA is as it is. All this was hiding out, I learned by my crappy transistor, and is an objective example of till that point the bad host delights in america with the poor devils. It became fashionable a variant of hit-and-run. I.e., not funny, intentional or not, with flight back, but they hit to beat and tear down then escaping fast, and a second car stole that pedestrian down cards, money, or what it did. Lighter impossible, I heard several times in radio with my own ears.

As well, continuing, these black Americans have passed the racism to his side, and have their particular war due to a frustration of centuries. Even if you try, as I did at the beginning, be polite, always just insulting, bad ways, hitting, threatening, lying, and doing all the possible witchhoods. Stolen money in shelters, it is routine, you enter first as friends, look and recorded with the phone that take, and await the moment to steal or destroy what they can. Many are agents of the FHBI or other services, or mysterious associated with mysterious factions. Syracuse was acceptable, but in the country of the alien and the paranoia psychosis, taxi driver was a saint compared to the today's day - that asks it the ridiculous spy of Boeing, with his flat glasses Yankees, not me removing eye at the Denver SIAM math Congress in November 2013.

Achieved at least one mattress, had to search for food, washing and shaving as well as possible. Our kids always appear to release a couple of dollars and a Big Mac at McDonalds. I acknowledge my sin of abuse of burgers and cheesebugers incurable, so it gives me fear have lot of money in the pocket to pass in front of Dunkin Donuts, Burger King, Carl's of the illustrious McDonals-always-helping-unfairly-persecuted-but-shut-up. There are many in this group, the A Team even.

Wonderful food from the hotel of the University during the Conference, and erotic and beautiful of the all that classic of Syracuse University, happy I sat on the sofa in the central hall to finally eat at plate with cutlery and napkin. Temporary paradise, instead of hours, while I enjoied the lovely image of the Prize Nobel Michelle pregnant at that time. Blonde short hair and her legs intoned the arch of the lips, with her somewhat upturned nose in proportion romantic motif. Only the Saint Louis Arch also, that I could see in the greyhound, going to the conference, rivaled her in perfection of structures, size of hips, bones, fat distribution, and natural gesture to make a stop along the way. It is roughly the trip on greyhound, but seeing this Arch at dawn with an instant coffee in glass of carton, the immediate conclusion that the world, although always in persistent battle at trenches or open terrain, is quite wonderful.

Also, as not, good colleagues students engineers flew over my poster to lock it perfect. There the jungle has simbioticos animals and predators Seamus Garvey style without personal quality, apart from the need of blood at any price.

That chance, the day put the poster withdrew all the buses, and I had to pay for a taxi. Get enduring the insults of the taxi driver muttering and chewing that I was in the city, and at least the price that I remember was not more than ten dollars. Since the poster, checked the article in the elegant Tome and the USB of the Proceedings, was relaxing, at least for a day. Had to seek presentations room away from peat to catch candies, coffee, wash me hands, pines and face, attack some cake with discretion, and sit in the back row to stretch your aching legs. Put the backpack with my work and computers to the side without attracting much attention, and enjoy. This time, colleague, right sit, infiltrate, and avoid beyond revenge and incidents after the goal, I swore to myself in the toilets when polishing the denture. An eye at screen, and the other at your confidential work, but please be polite brother.

In what appears a girl rather as advanced-senorita, researcher of bombastic NASA, working on the bacterial flora of the shuttle, now retired by the 2013. Semi-blond, robust, and usual altered clinic face without reaching anything tremendous stress level. Never come to know his name, she was not in the program or I couldn't find it, given the quality of the snacks. She seemed very good, formal, but when she was at the pot in a pause of the images, and I heard her first cry of female hysteria,

psychosis! psychosis! he has psychosis!!!

in other words,

think the thief who are all of his condition

I affirm by Beelzebub the Good being in the Holy Glory, calculating how many jelly beans and coffee I had to avoid to go outside to look for supplies. Also had the image of Michelle in the cerebellum together with the aftertaste of the chewable candies and coffee swallows, finally hot coffee with milk, six months waiting for that. I decided then, despite that first cry of the hysterical of NASA, do some Michelle asks scientifically deeply for at least five minutes of talk with her mouth and chin just before me. Watch her eyes closely before the sordid greyhound and the following work. But there was no stumble whatsoever in the corridors with that baby, siren song among all of the temporal, and pregnant icing on the sumptuous world academic conference. However, the hysterical of NASA, perhaps named Tomasa, came back into violent trance American near the end of her talk,

psychosis! psychosis! send him out!!




 the nervous-attacked-female-thief who though her
sickness was the disease of her skillfull and well-trained competitors

There already is attacked her draw my attention, and I decided to delete her. It is already a proven experience, the more you together with them more contagious madness that only compete for the post, false researchers - already it said Ramon y Cajal, the hierarchy is the hierarchy. I'm convinced and I bet that the psychiatrists who treat this crowd hung researchers return home dreaming of the tin soldiers and the hard carton horse that had in their infancy to relax and forget those mad predators of the investigation world.

I got headphones radio and to enter her in the psychiatric hospital, paid for by NASA and area 51, lest her came of Jupiter, rather by their personal quality of mercury or asteroid some cheap second hand. This probably had noticed of the documents sent to the judge with data from the ju-ju-la-la McNally, the psychopath's organization, Mike Sloman and all reports and statements signed before a notary. It is not to my always especially, but the Americans by custom, as the English cousins, will direct insult, provocation, and the vulgar rudeness from a country which steals history because it has not it. Even serves to try to be friendly, or trying to collaborate, they do not withstand the competition and then lose control even with the most candidos and innocent. It is fair and objective, however, to admit that NASA has a lot of good people and researchers, namely one who treated me with respect at Philly Conference in April 2015. He helped to remove my posters and at least did not insult me, or my posters, thank-you, NASA rational and sensible employee.

Proof of this is a Galician professor who was at the DoubleTree by Hilton in the 2014 summer, Orlando. It was the Conference of Professor Callaos, that was the only chair in my whole story that thanked me the last day for my article. Latino origin had to be, I think that Argentina, perhaps cousin Maradona, brother-in-law of Mouse Ayala, student of Heredia, the best free defender of the world in his time, neighbouring perhaps of Mario Kempes, or distant relative of Flaco Menotti. Valdano the poet, as said somewhat disgruntled by Supergarcia sports journalist at radio, has archives of our kinship with the silver country, I am in math.

As well, a big cow of Rutgers, illustrious Professor Marlowe, with the missus, in Spanish his 'maruja',  at the Conference attached to the chair, and his ridiculous colonial hat, began to waver to the Galician Professor who did not speak English very well, rather so poor. But he had gone to the Conference with the best of intentions. We must not search for them, they will find you as hyenas, and prepare the trap by becoming the jovial. Then a black student with ridiculous and cheesy British bow tie came, and Marlowe are directed to he in high-pitched that I hear it. 'I don't think that he getting anything from the Conference,' he said to negro, who was being plugged in some on duty, with parity ethnic despite their uselessness scholarship. Never went to Orlando or Florida for nothing, think that glaring in that average tropical climate, praised is the snow above, and hopefully could have gone to live in Alaska with the penguins and bears. That yes, justice, Florida, Orlando, and Miami attractive for tourism and fun to stop are total. As rich and beautiful as expensive. Paradise for a different world of joy and pleasure provided your wallet is thick.

Then followed causing the gallego. Me up to the seats of the piano to not watch the show, but rather show-ass moron Marlowe, probably associated with the extreme right wing of academics, and catch any chocolate cake with discretion.

Then, at that point, opened way to the garden of the Good and the Evil philosophical murmuring fountains, at that time were few waiters and transhumance staff. The huge DoubleTree Hilton was beginning to sleep under the slow Florida sunset, and light crossed the arched torrents of the sources making optimistic, sparkling reflections to end a day with some determined - had reached the goal, and the article was in the proceedings, thanks to Neptune that lived in these fonts of the gardens. I was wondering because knowing these yankees, that Latinos, Fidel, and Venezuela had caught that fierce hatred to the decadent Empire. Not at all worried, but curious to know why so many scrappy people like Professor Marlowe and his continuous call for god, 'his god' at any speech -maybe the 'god of the dollars', can we trust that 'green-god' as claimed in the billet?. Yes, the Hysterical Tomasa trusts that 'sublime god', probably. There were beginning to be data for my thoughs, but the confirmation came in the last snack of the so intellectual Conference in Computer Science and Cybernetics of the State of Florida, which in its far time belonged to Madrid.

The stewardess playmate of the Conference was a too young and sexy Venezuelan so do me illusions. But with her long legs, big eyes brown and cleavage showing the gifts of nature the planet to survive, chatted with everyone. Very smart and sociable, she was doing by herself her career as lawyer, which in america is rather difficult. Absolutely integrated in the country, and with her well earned dollars. We started talking about Venezuela, it was the era of hard and continuous confrontation with america, and ask her why such hatred of South America, and Venezuela in particular, to the United States, she replied firmly,

so did americans in the past with latin america

Just I catched her bully sight with immediate decision and resentment, and her eyes shone for an offense of centuries. She did not, more than probably, that I had catched a pic of her instantaneous gesture for my temporal lobe. Just a routinary talk for that cute senorita who mysteriously liked soccer. Remember that tone and token many months later, holding Denver snow to 15 centigrades below zero in my hiding place to sort the Sheriff and ruling out radiotherapy calculations written in McDonals paper wrappers. She had everything, no she hated america, worked well, all the conference boys crazy for her and wanted to portray themselves with the muse in front of the poster of the program. Never saw in her a gesture inappropriate or awkward. Disturbing and getting dizzy with clouds of charm her suitors in the elegant hotel at every step that gave, with her blue pants and heel protruding her long legs of chic hostess. But the damage, use and abuse on her land of birth by yankees was still alive in her memories with absolute justice. That is the reality, Englishmen and Americans in a dominant position do not know limits for abuse and arrogance of all kinds in addition. Objectively, much as with other races and countries, also have found it in many cases, worse even.
To continue with Syracuse conference, one week after the event, going to Syracuse center from Oxford Street where I had my bed, I entered Starbucks's to work -just leaving the charities zone. 'We change lives here' claimed the ads, sure brothers, you changed the precision of a few radiation therapy equations in that smashing scientific conference, nothing too much special. I sat in that Starbuck's with two entrances, and in the front table appeared an agent probably from HS or Private Security who began to show his pistol at half meter from my laptop. Voluminous, more fat than size that pretended to be muscle, and probably more formal grey suit than brain. Dark and about 5 10', protoptype of state agent presumaly. This desperate racist Jonh Wayne of Decadent USA followed doing hand movements around the pistol and thigh pretending to catch it. It was clear that my article and poster had made another Pearl Harbour profound wound in the miserables of scientific american corrupt group. I sent an inform to immigration inmediately, with the laptop, that was inmediately ignored. I am sure that if law had permitted that, he would shot me at Starbuck's with a serial killer smile. In fact, he was committing a number of crimes together that were ignored by the staff. First, a crime of threats and coaction with a big pistol in a public place. Second, psychological torture, and this is grave with an immigrant. Third, breaking the rules of the service for what he was working, if it was the state, even worse. Fourth, jumping the laws anti-monopoly at USA. Fifth, a crime against american constitution of liberty for legal scientific research and presentation at conferences. And sixth, breaking the Starbuck's norms that ban guns at the shops unless you dress an uniform of any police or security organization -and recommended for brief time into the cafeteria, that is intimidating for clients. Today, I understand the history of the great Tesla, who beated Edison many times, mainly in the key point of discovering alternate electric current transport, trillions of dollars every year. The XXIst century problem of USA is growing towards an international frustration, said that pistol in the thigh of that legal american extremist bandido.       

There are therefore two types of reactions, the democratic and the violent. Then came Fidel, Che Guevara, extremist or revolutionaries that can reach an extreme situation by hunger and misery natural. The response to these abuses, which are all, is Democracy and Freedom. Justice and the Law that we have created the human out of the arbitrary savagery, and so many decades struggled to forge. The temptation is to switch to the side right/left-wing extremist and illegal, or guess that violence could something done against the decadent system. The Bastille is the exemplary story of a time that has given lessons to never forget them. The world has wealth, space, and possibilities for all, if distinction, can live in peace.

We, at least on my part, we give to the Hysterical of NASA Tomasa a department professorship, salary, pension, office, a sports car if you like it, and your name printed in all the proceedings and academies. But you learn, this American, education, respect, and above all, Democracy -Democracy for everybody, not only a few. Tomasa must get an special NASA-psychiatrist, whose branch is women at the brink of  a nervous breakdown, kind of loose women. While then I continue my publications and profession. NASA news everyday at papers like Pope, decadent english Queen, and other similar, are well-paid for appearing at news, just no more, pure business and marketing of the power. As The Turkish says with Wisdom, money is the strongest glue available today, even Cain and Abel shared bank account at god's garden. Number of NASA accidents is highly superior to Russian Aerospace because one matter is the marketing and media and other is the facts and the reality. There is no war between men and women rather than the fiction of brains now in the 21st century. They have everything, and I find it ok, without envy, and irrelevant for me President, Government, businesses, economy, International Monetary Fund, the Courts, the pages of the newspapers, the fame of celebrities, or the amusement park roller coasters, are all of them. I am so happy with my profession and mine, that the pranks, fun, irony, and jokes against the girls we had of youth is a chrome among the collection of memories. But please, Hysterical from NASA, the men in this cruel world and without compassion we can eat cakes, burgers, candies, and a spicy with coffee, quietly at conferences. In last row, as in the summer cinema during our first kisses with that teenager of our eyes.

I am afraid that when we're in the kitchen trying to clumsily invent a dish new, making our food, and organizing our room in the order messed up best possible, any woman appear moving cleavage with her chin up and saying ' I want to do that, that for me'. We're going to do, finally and after they have peaches, we will have to adapt.



The poster and the article was set in web, cross-referred, and the Victory over Decadent England, corrupt Nottingham Professor McNally, cheating Irish Rolls-Royce about to retire Professor Seamus Garvey was done. The night of 28th June was seen a ridiculous ghost, kind of shadow of Seamus Garvey in ballet-session around university park of Nottingham University. McNally found a hairy and strong macho lover in a London Gay club for married english not-openly gays with severe metal health problems  -Nicola Everitt found compassion at St Paul Church of Radford Boulevard every sunday at mass. NBC rumoured that unfortunately McNally is still searching for his male-lover in her dreams just like Whitesnow Princess. 
Andy Long began a new research line in ladies underwear textile composites, and is planning his retirement after the retirement of Tom Hyde in 2012.Both Long and Garvey have only a few years of service in their future. So limited, so better for the Nottingham University.
It is casted at BBCC (British Broadcasting Corrupt Corporation) a new  Documental about how the Brexit will result in even more Decadency of the British Empire, the re-inventors of the slavery and negro traffic in XX Century. The pain in the ass for England resulted in a series of new publications after that 2014.
Imbecile granny Fiona Bruce said at BBCC that Britain is planning to remove their smuggling island to the middle of the atlantic ocean with a large-scale mechanical system patented by Berlin. However, Gibraltar cannot be translated until P Anne will take in her ass a small piecewise-imitation of the Big Ben with lubricants.